Nous suivre
Au départ de : Moulins

Welcome aboard, sailors !

Partage :

Ride safely on a beautiful bike path which follows one of the last great wild rivers of Europe, called the « Allier ».

Description détaillée

This 2,73km long loop takes both the little ones and the big ones along the water.
From Moulins-sur-Allier, take the pretty bike path lined with beautiful trees and shrubs and cycle at your own pace along the beautiful Allier River. Pass under the majestic iron bridge, one of the first metal bridges in France. Continue your way to the Champins play area which borders the river. Take the time to enjoy the place, arranged and maintained to make you spend good moments with family: walk around the water, pirate boat, swings and water games for children, picnic tables for lunch or taste while enjoying the beauty of this bucolic setting.
To get back to your starting point, take the bike path in reverse.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Itinérance
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Mise à jour le 05/06/2024 Par Office du tourisme de Moulins & sa région
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