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© BM-ADT07
© A.Renaud-Goud-ADT07
© BM-ADT07
Pedestrian sports, Course

The watershed

Partage :

The Watershed crosses the Park... Stand on the invisible line and rain water falling on one side flows to the Mediterranean, water on the other side to the Atlantic. This natural watershed has inspired an exceptional artistic trail.

From works of art, to furniture fashioned from chestnut wood, landscapes to gaze at. The artistic route can be explored along the long distance hiking trail the GR7, but also by car, bicycle and on horseback.
From the first works of art of humanity sheltered by the Chauvet Cave to contemporary creation, the Ardeche is a source of inspiration.


Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Ça peut vous intéresser
Le Béage

Œuvre De l'autre côté de Stéphane Thidet - Le Partage des Eaux


Artwork "le Phare" by Gloria Friedmann


Artwork "1020 km" by Olivier Leroi


Oeuvre "La Tour à eau" de Gilles Clément


Œuvre Un Cercle et Mille Fragments de Felice Varini - Le Partage des Eaux

Saint-Laurent-les-Bains - Laval d'Aurelle

Œuvre "Terre Loire" de Koichi Kurita

Mise à jour le 28/08/2023 Par Agence de Développement Touristique de l'Ardèche
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