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Historic site and monument

The Village Of Villeneuve-Lembron

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The name of Villeneuve shows that the village was formed late. It has been constructed from the 12th century around the Aureille hotel. We can see there the square tower that offers, at 20m high, an exceptional point of view. This tower is probably one of the last of this kind standing in France. We can also see the hotel from the 13th to the 15th century, a rampart from the 15th century and wine-growing buildings from the 19th century. You can discover the castle of Rigaud d’Aureille, listed Historical Monument, and which is a rare example of seigniorial castle from the early Renaissance. It has superb mural paintings; some of them are represented as morals. The castle can be visited all year. The washing-place of La Mouleyre is also a place to see.

The solid square tower of the Hôtel d'Aureille offers an exceptional panoramic view from its 20m height. A seigneurial main building from the early 15th century is attached to it. Their surroundings bear the imprint of an enclosure that can be seen in the circular organization of the building.
Rigaud d'Aureille, to which the seigneury of Villeneuve belonged, had a new residential castle built at the end of the 15th century. Medieval by its 4 imposing towers, its gunboats and ditches reminiscent of the moat, this
The castle is also an expression of the Renaissance through its interior courtyard and painted decoration.
You should not leave the village without going to the site dedicated to the water next to the castle: laundry room, washhouse, water trough, enclosed garden, conduit, everything is there, as well as the panorama on the Lembron.


Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

Ça peut vous intéresser

The castle of Villeneuve-Lembron


Circuit auto - Châteaux forts et forts villageois

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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