The three valleys
Communauté de Commune Bassin Minier Montagne
Au départ de : Champagnat-le-Jeune

The three valleys

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A beautiful hike with 500 m of height difference which offers many panoramas on the mountains of Auvergne and a variety of landscapes of meadows, forests, streams, valleys and where you can discover the typical rural architecture of Auvergne in Champagnat-Le-Jeune.

Description détaillée

Starting point - From the starting sign go down a small street below and to the right of the D24. Turn right immediately on a grassy path between 2 low walls. Continue the descent and at the 1st T-junction, turn right and at the 2nd left. At the place called "Le Cerf" cross a stone bridge. Go up in the undergrowth, leaving the path on the right. Continue the ascent to the D24.

1 - Go up for 20 m and take the track on the left. Continue by ignoring two paths on the left until you reach the hamlet "Le Ceilloux". At the exit join the D33, take it to the left until Peslières (near the church, a German cannon from the First World War). At the end of the village, go up the asphalt road on the right until Lospeux. Pass in front of the cross on the right, continue to climb on the path. Cross several hamlets to the D702.

2 - Cross it, go on the asphalt road to the left of the sawmill. Then at the granite cross, take the middle path and walk through the woods. At the T-junction, turn left into the forest alley. Leave 2 paths on the right. Drive up to the D33 (leaving the woods, view of the Cézallier mountains, the Monts Dore and the Chaîne des Puys; orientation table on the D33 on the left at 200 m).

3 - Go down a wide path opposite. At the D132E turn left. 400 m after leaving Edmesse's hamlet, turn right onto a dirt road. At the crossing, continue straight ahead until you reach the D266E.

4 - Take the asphalt road opposite. Continue straight ahead. At the first house on the right of the hamlet of La Voissière, go down to the right on a road. Cross a first stream on a granite slab, turn left, enter a bridge that crosses the stream of Chateauneuf. After the bridge, turn left and go straight up, ignoring the right path. At an intersection, continue to the right until the crossroads after the hamlet of Rodel.

5 - Turn left. At the fork stay on the left. 500 m after the place called Charbonne go up to the right in the forest. At a crossroads, continue in front. At the next crossroads of 5 paths (storage area), go down a wide path to the left. Continue straight ahead. At the cross turn left on the road to reach the starting point.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
  • Environnement : In the country, Forest location, Presence of livestock and guard dogs
  • Animaux acceptés : Les chiens doivent être obligatoirement tenus en laisse en raison de la présence de troupeaux.
  • Pour votre sécurité, prenez toujours avec vous une bouteille d'eau, un chapeau, des vêtements chauds et contre la pluie, et équipez-vous de chaussures adaptées à la marche.
    Selon les conditions météorologiques, certains itinéraires sont déconseillés par mauvais temps (brouillard) ou ne sont pas praticables, voire interdits, durant la saison hivernale.
    Certains sites sont fragiles, restez sur les sentiers aménagés. Évitez de cueillir les fleurs sauvages et de dérangez la faune. Ramassez vos déchets.
    Sur certains itinéraires, les animaux sont interdits.
    Mise à jour le 12/06/2024 Par Conseil départemental du Puy-de-Dôme
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