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@Julie Lobstein
Volcano, Viewpoint

The Signal of Luguet

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At the extreme south of the Puy-de-Dôme, the Luguet signal is the highest point of the Cézallier mountains (1551 metres). It offers a spectacular panoramic view of the Cantal, the Sancy massif and the Livradois mountains.

The "Signal du Luguet" is the highest peak of the mounts of Cézallier at 1551m. It corresponds to old lava lakes formed 5 million years ago. The erosion erased the reliefs that overlooked them and the rock found itself in a culminating position. Below, at the east, you can see the crater of Artout. It’s one of the most beautiful glacier valleys of the Massif Central. 20 000 years ago, the snow mopped up by the winds coming from the west accrues at the east. It formed a glacier owing to the weak exposition to sun. We still can find moraines on the slopes.

From the hamlet of Parrot, it is possible to go around the "Signal du Luguet". It is a 7,2km hike offering a round trip to the top of the highest peak of the Cézallier, count 2H30 to do the tour. In winter, this hike is also possible with snowshoes.


Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

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The Signal of the Luguet

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Circuit auto - Volcanisme, traditions locales et saveurs fromagères

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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