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Julie Lobstein - Agglo Pays d'Issoire
Julie Lobstein - Agglo Pays d'Issoire
Julie Lobstein - Agglo Pays d'Issoire
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Historic site and monument

The perched village of Nonette

Partage :

The village is dominated at the south by a volcanic neck peaking up at 578m and dominating the Allier River of 170m. It offers one of the most beautiful points of view of the region on the Mounts Dore, the Cézallier, the volcano of Cantal, the Livradois, the Comté, the Puy-de-Dome... A path allows to go around the mound and to climb up to the top. There is a beautiful Romanesque church extended in the 14th and 15th century.

The castle is no longer... but the view is still breathtaking and offers one of the most beautiful panoramas of the region on the Monts Dore, the Cézallier, the Cantalien volcano, the Livradois, the Comté, the Puys chain.
In addition, there are still some remains to be seen. A path leads around the hill and up to the top.
The half-romanic, half-gothic church of Saint-Nicolas in Nonette has kept a splendid carved Romanesque portal. The nave also preserves Romanesque sculptures on the figurative baskets, thus completing the bestiary of the western portal. The "beautiful god" inside is a superb marble bust from the end of the 14th century.

Informations complémentaires
Services :
Pets welcome
Équipements :
Play areaPicnic areaBarPublic WCOrientation boardRestaurantCar park

Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Mise à jour le 27/03/2024 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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