Saint-Barthélémy church
JM Peyral
Historic site and monument

Saint-Barthélémy church

Judging from its remarkable portal, the Saint-Barthelemy church is highly representative of the Romanesque era.

Partage :

One of the jewels of Romanesque art in the Haute Auvergne is to be found inside the church : a 12th c. wooden polychrome statue of Notre-Dame de Claviers (a copy can be found in the Jailhac chapel). The statue has been highly prized by the former cultural minister, André Malraux. From the exterior you will notice the details of the chevet full of immodesty with grotesque masks and weird animal contortions. You will also discover a magnificient bell cote steeple (three bells).


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Randonnée pédestre : La chapelle de Jailhac 10 km


Village of Moussages


Natural camping ground

  • Animaux acceptés
2 Clés

Mme Régine Chavaroc-Neuville

Mise à jour le 20/08/2020 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays de Mauriac
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