Nous suivre
Mairie Miremont
Historic site and monument

Roman church of Saint-Bonnet

Partage :

This small church, situated on a promontory, has a chevet characteristic of the Auvergne Romanesque. Adjacent to the church, the "snail shell" cemetery, at the top of the hillock, is an original feature of this site. It was built in 1147.

Behind the church, one can still see the ruins of the castle (12th-13th century).
Guillaume de Beaufort donated his right of sacristy on this church to the cathedral chapter of Clermont-Ferrand when he left for the crusades. This building presents a certain homogeneity of architecture although it was built in several stages.
Fiche patrimoine N°10, Collection Trésors des Combrailles, on sale in the Tourist Offices of Combrailles.

Informations complémentaires
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Mise à jour le 11/10/2023 Par Office de Tourisme des Combrailles
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