Vous êtes gaga des pandas roux ou des girafes, amoureux des panthères des neiges ou bien fan d’un autre animal ? Venez les rencontrer ! Passez une demi-heure avec notre équipe pédagogique et découvrez tous les secrets de l’animal de votre choix.
Suivant l’espèce choisie, vous pourrez visiter le bâtiment, entrer dans l’enclos ou effectuer un nourrissage au plus près de cette espèce.
Découvrez les différentes espèces que vous pourrez rencontrer en 2025 :
- Les carnivores : panthères de l’amour, lions, tigres, panthères des neiges, guépards, loups.
- Les espèces emblématiques : pandas roux, girafes, hippopotames pygmées, paresseux.
- Les primates : lémuriens, macaques de Barbarie, atèles.
- Les espèces très mignonnes : suricates, ratons laveurs, loutres, capybaras et binturongs.
Tout mineur doit être accompagné d’un adulte ayant un billet pour l’activité, la formule duo est donc obligatoire.
One price: 60 to 80 €.
From 08/02 to 09/03/2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
Closed on Monday.
From 12/03 to 04/04/2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.
From 05/04 to 18/04/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Saturday 19 to Monday 21 April 2025 between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
From 22/04 to 30/04/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Thursday 1st to Sunday 4 May 2025 between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
From Monday 5 to Wednesday 7 May 2025 between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 May 2025 between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
From 12/05 to 28/05/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Thursday 29 May to Sunday 1st of June 2025 between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
From 02/06 to 04/07/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 05/07 to 31/08/2025, daily between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
From 01/09 to 14/09/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 September 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 September 2025 between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 September 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 27 to Sunday 28 September 2025 between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Wednesday 1st to Friday 3 October 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 4 to Sunday 5 October 2025 between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 October 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 11 to Sunday 12 October 2025 between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 October 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From 18/10 to 02/11/2025, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 December 2025, every Saturday and Sunday between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Monday 8 to Thursday 11 December 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 13 to Sunday 14 December 2025, every Saturday and Sunday between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From Saturday 20 to Tuesday 23 December 2025 between 10.30 am and 5 pm.
From 26/12/2025 to 04/01/2026, daily between 10.30 am and 5 pm.