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©Caillou aux Hiboux
©Caillou aux Hiboux
©Caillou aux Hiboux
©Caillou aux Hiboux
OT Pays de Salers
OT Pays de Salers
©Caillou aux Hiboux
©Caillou aux Hiboux
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Mountain, Volcano, Explosive volcano

Puy Violent

Partage :

The Puy Violent, approximately 1592m, dominates the plateau where our famous Salers cows with their red coat and their lyre-like horns graze among the yellow gencian plants.

The Puy Violent approximately 1592m, dominates the plateau where our famous Salers cows with their red coat and their lyre-like horns graze among the yellow gentian plants. However, there is nothing violent about this place. Its name comes from a mispronounciation of "Puy bêlant" that is to say "bleating mountain" when sheep instead of cows moved to these summer pastures. The climbing of this mountain (1h30 walking) offers a superb panorama of the Roc Labro, Puy Mary and Roc des Ombres (1640m).
Near the Puy Violent and the GR 400 mountain trail, the "buron du Violental" was built 2 centuries ago and restored in 2005. You can go freely inside this previous summer dairy where the Cantal cheese was made.

Informations complémentaires
Services :
Pets welcome
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

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Mise à jour le 07/03/2024 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays de Salers
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