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Au départ de : Massiac


Partage :

Partez à la découverte des villages pittoresques des hauts plateaux, et de Bonnac dans la vallée de l’Arcueil, sur les traces des romains chercheurs d’or.

Description détaillée

Start - Near the Bascule. From the square, head for the Alagnonnette stream and cross it using the footbridge. Turn right into the lane, go through the gate and cross the railroad line.

1- Turn left on the main road, then right towards Bonnac. Turn right before the level crossing. Follow the Alagnon and Arcueil rivers. At the first crossroads, turn right.

2- Cross the road, then the Chandèze stream on a culvert. Follow the forest track uphill, heading south-southeast for about 1.5 km. It forks due west 100 m before reaching Massadou.

3- Here, the ruins of an imposing old farmhouse remain. Continue along the track, which runs alongside a spruce plantation. Nice view over the Arcueil valley. The path, bordered by two low walls, leads to Pouzol. At the entrance to the hamlet, you'll see a private bread oven on the right and, further on, a cross on the wall on the left.

4- 200m after this cross, leave the road at the bend, after the water troughs, to go right down into the grazing area. At the large, isolated cherry tree, turn slightly right. Viewpoint over the Arcueil valley. The path descends through some large ash trees. Rejoin the road leading to Bonnac.

5- At the crossroads, at the entrance to the village, turn right (off the 14th-century cross circuit: turn left, 10 min return), the path runs alongside the cemetery and a well-built low wall.

6- At the fork, go up to the right, then down to the left for 2 km on a fairly level track. Turn left for 200 m on a steeper descent. Cross the Arcueil and join the D244 road at Pierrefitte, which means "planted stone".

7- Turn right, following the road for 500m. At a slight right-hand bend, leave the road and take a footpath on the left.

8- Follow this path until you reach the road again. View of the three basalt flows on the left.

9- Turn right. At a sharp right-hand bend, leave the Auliadet road and take a dirt track across the fields (the hamlet is off the circuit, 10 min round-trip).

10- Rejoin the road, turn left and cross the Arcueil. Continue for 100 m, to reach point 2. Return to the starting point by the same route as before.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
  • Passage(s) délicat(s) : Impassable for mountain bikes
  • Nature du terrain : Stone, Ground, Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)
  • Environnement : In the country, Forest location, Station district, Close to a public transportation, Village centre
  • Animaux acceptés
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Mise à jour le 23/05/2022 Par Hautes Terres Tourisme
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