• Animaux acceptés
Historic site and monument

Pont de Tréboul

Partage :

Suspension bridge over the Truyère

This suspension bridge was built after the construction of the Sarrans Dam in 1934/1935.
In the deep water beneath the bridge exists already the old stone bridge built in 14th century by the Englishmen to cross the Truyère river. It is still well preserved.
The litte chapel near the pont de Tréboul was formerly the customn hous to collect the salt tax. It was relocated to the actual bridge.

1 km from the bridge in the direction of Sainte-Marie you can find at left a mineral souce, the Fon del Sol. The water was used for drinking cures in 19th century.

Informations complémentaires
Services :
Pets welcome
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

Ça peut vous intéresser
vue sur l'église

Church of Sainte-Marie

  • Animaux acceptés
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Circuit VTT n°5 : La Fon del Sol

Pont de Tréboul

The Truyère Gorges an Sarrans lake


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  • Animaux acceptés
Mise à jour le 18/11/2022 Par Office de Tourisme des Pays de Saint-Flour
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