For the amateurs of stroll, a path on stilts accessible to all makes it possible to make the turn of the peninsula on approximately 2 km, of the islet to the marina.
On summer evenings, it is animated by a sound and light show, which reveals in an unprecedented way the natural heritage (plant, creek, movement of the branches...) unnoticed during the day! As soon as night falls, the free access animation starts via twilight detectors; projectors and loudspeakers broadcast a 256 colors light game that goes from warm (yellow, red...) to cold (blue, purple, black...) atmospheres, accompanied by different sound sequences.
In July and August shuttles are set up.
Équipements :
Public WC
Free access.
Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année
All year round.
Ça peut vous intéresser
Mise à jour le 21/02/2023
Par Office de Tourisme du Pays d'Aurillac