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Fishing, Fishing site - 1st category

Passionate fishing: the Gorges of Levas

Located in Saurier, the route in the Couze Pavin is diversified, but a large part is located in gorges where cascades, falls and deep water follow one another. Area for experienced fishermen.

Partage :

After parking your car, go down 200 m further downstream to the new bridge. Here will start your fishing trip. Depending on your time or fitness level, you can stop at the Pont de Renlaigue, or at the Couze bend near the road.
Fishing time = 4 hours for the long course, 2 hours for the small one.
The route is physically difficult, even dangerous for the second part. All fishing methods are practicable, however the bottom is particularly well suited for the fly. The gorges are to be reserved more particularly for lures or "toc".
Fish: trout fario, dowel, minnow, loach, sculpin.

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Informations complémentaires
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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