Passionate fishing: Prada bridge
Fishing, Fishing site - 1st category

Passionate fishing: Prada bridge

Area intended for beginners or experienced fishermen in good physical condition. All fishing methods are possible: the so-called "minnow fishing" can be recommended for large catches as well as lures and "toc" fishing in slow prospecting

Partage :

This fishing trip is divided into two sectors:
> downstream: fisherman's parking, private property: about 400 m
> upstream: old bridge from the abandoned RD to the upstream of the wastewater treatment plant: 600 m
After parking your car in the fisherman's parking area, go down 150 m downstream to the Prada bridge, where your fishing trip will start. Depending on your time available, you can stop at the private property located on the left bank about 400m upstream or take the bridge of the old CD to finish, if you are in good shape, up to 250 m upstream from the water treatment plant. We recommend that you wear fishing pants for this route, which is mainly located in gorges.
Fish: fario trout, dowel, minnow, sculpin, loach.

Informations complémentaires
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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