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Fishing, Fishing site - 2nd category

Passionate fishing: place-called Veneix

Close to the A75 motorway, this sector is easily accessible, well equipped and suitable for various fishing techniques.

Partage :

This sector is characterized by large pits in 75% of the downstream linear. The fish sought are essentially predators to be fished with lures. The landing fishing techniques will be used for carp and barbels. Be careful, the fish are very big. Upstream, the profile of the river is very common, graylings, trout and cyprinids of running water ( spirlins, bleak...) are found in the river. Fishing is practiced by itinerant techniques. No indicative time for daily landings, or "frying" fisheries.
Easily accessible area but be careful, the Allier is a powerful river with strong streams, do not venture into the water.
Fish: fario trout, graylings, pike, carp, dowel, minnow, barbel, bleak, perch...

Informations complémentaires
Équipements :
Picnic areaParking nearby

Free of charge.


From 04/03 to 05/11.

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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