Œuvre Un Cercle et Mille Fragments de Felice Varini - Le Partage des Eaux
Historic site and monument

Œuvre Un Cercle et Mille Fragments de Felice Varini - Le Partage des Eaux

Partage :

The Cistercian abbey of Mazan, founded in the 12th century. A circle of a thousand fragments is spread over the walls and roofs of the various buildings that make up the abbey. Work by Felice Varini as part of Partage des Eaux.

"Light has always been an integral part of my work. When I use a single colour, the light allows me to reveal its infinite nuances. Here in Mazan, I chose gold leaf to capture all the more the variations in light according to the time of day and the seasons. I also wanted to echo the diversity of minerals on the abbey site.


Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Mise à jour le 11/07/2024 Par Office de Tourisme Montagne d'Ardèche
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