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Le Mont Serre

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Cet ancien volcan strombolien est le seul du genre sur le vaste plateau granitique de Chaspinhac. En gravissant le mont Serre, ancien volcan strombolien, vous découvrirez une table de lecture des paysages. Bonne visite !

This dormant Strombolian volcano is the only one of its kind on the vast granite plateau of Chaspinhac. From the summit you can see an immense, open panorama over all the Velay volcanoes. The Devès, the Meygal and the Mézenc can be seen in their entirety.
Access: town of Chaspinhac, Place des Granges near the communal oven.
Parking: car park and departure for hikes with “Volcanoes in Liberty” signs.
Hike: 1 hour (round trip).
Interpretative panel for the landscape at the top of Mont Serre.
Topographical hiking guide: "Hiking in and around Le Puy-en-Velay”.

Mise à jour le 02/09/2021 Par Office de Tourisme de l'agglomération du Puy-en-Velay
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