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Au départ de : Molèdes

La Roche du Renard

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Petit circuit au relief très varié. La roche du renard se dissimule en début de parcours pour se dresser inattendu derrière vous ! Vues plongeantes dans la vallée de la Sianne…

Hautes Terres Tourisme
Hautes Terres Tourisme
Hautes Terres Tourisme
Hautes Terres Tourisme
Description détaillée

Departure - Church parking lot. Take the RD55 towards Vèze / Allanche. As you leave Molèdes, you pass through the locality of "Labouey", derived from "Laborie", which means farm. Beautiful view of the Colombine tower on the left.

1- Leave the road before the first sharp bend, turning right onto a gravel track. The track climbs steeply through meadows. View of the Monts du Cantal and the three crosses of Montevèze. The spike of large gentian trees rises above Montevèze. Remains of the deserted village of Pirogue.

2- At the crossroads, turn left, then opposite the quarry, descend into the meadow on the right, skirting the fence. Bend left and reach a sunken track, arched by a hazel hedge, in the middle of a beech coppice. In the undergrowth, as you descend, turn right after a bend. The path becomes moss-covered and winds through juniper and holly. Cross a fence.

3- At the level path, turn left through the broom. On your left is the Renard rock. Opposite, a view of the Conche stream valley. To the right, the peaks of Chailo (1120m) and Chailoru (1173m). Beautiful rows of beech trees on the right, the landscape is clear. Cross a last fence before reaching the road, with a view over the Sianne valley.

4- Take the left-hand road for 500m.

5- Go left up a hairpin path, cross the barbed-wire fence and turn right. Reach a second fence. Cross the fence, go through the meadow, then take a left-hand path along the beech trees up to the farm. Go through a gate and reach the road. Go up to the left. At the crossroads, cross over and take the grassy path opposite. At the fork, go right down the hillside path. Viewpoint over the open hills of the Sianne valley. After a bend, the summit of Peyrenègre or "pierre noire" appears opposite, on the left.

6- Shortly before a ridge, turn left and enter an enclosed meadow, opposite the Colombine tower. On the way down, viewpoint: Colombine watchtower (11th century), valley of the Mouguvay stream, which flows into the Sianne. Follow the trail. After crossing the valley, climb back up, cross a farm and reach the road.

7- Take the road on the left towards Molèdes. Take the shortcut before the village and return to the starting point.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
  • Nature du terrain : Ground, Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring), Grit
  • Animaux acceptés
  • VTT impraticable
Mise à jour le 12/08/2022 Par Hautes Terres Tourisme
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