Jeu de piste dans Cusset
©Ville de Cusset
Au départ de : Cusset

Jeu de piste dans Cusset

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"Set off on an assault on the ancient city of the green dogs, but in a modern way" - that's the theme of the Cusset treasure hunt!

It's off to the start for 1h30 of questions, observations and games.

Description détaillée

Booklet in hand, compass to find your way and a bag with everything you need for your adventure - that's the invitation extended by the town of Cusset.

To play and take part in the adventure, all you need to do is pick up the treasure hunt booklet, available free of charge at the reception desk of the Hôtel de Ville, the museum and/or downloadable from the website, and follow the instructions page by page.
Alone or in a group, players will set off to discover the ancient fortifications, thermal springs, vanished mills and unsuspected personalities who walked the cobblestones of Cusset's streets. A good sense of direction will be needed to complete this adventure, and "looking up" will be a prerequisite for success.

At the end, players can find all the answers at the reception desk of the museum or the Town Hall.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Itinérance
  • Nature du terrain : Suitable for city strollers
  • Environnement : In centre of town, Town location, In the historic centre
  • Animaux acceptés
    Mise à jour le 23/01/2024 Par Vichy Destinations
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