High valley of the Dordogne
Gorge, Valley / glen, River

High valley of the Dordogne

The very name Dordogne is mythical. The river stems from 2 streams, La Dore and La Dogne in the Puy de Dôme department.

Partage :

It eventually joins La Garonne river and forms La Gironde estuary after a course of 483 km. Its bed takes it West of the Cantal, winding its way through wild gorge and woodland with scattered rocks here and there : Rocher de Chabane near Arches, Rocher de l'Aigle near Chalvignac. The flow of the Dordogne is halted by a few dams, such as Barrage de l'Aigle. The scenery is breathtaking with a wealth of wild flowers and animals and a wide variety of birds such as red kite, black kite, peregrine falcon, booted eagle and buzzard.

Ça peut vous intéresser

Visit of the dam (barrage de l'Aigle)


Vallée de l'Auze


Maronne Valley


Hostellerie de La Bruyère

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Village of Chalvignac

Mise à jour le 10/03/2018 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays de Mauriac
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