GAEC des Limousines Safranées - Saffron production

Partage :

The tour lasts around 1h30, beginning with a visit to the saffron farm, followed by an explanation of the harvesting techniques, and concluding with a tasting of saffron products.

Visit: €5/adult and free for children under 18.
Shop at the farm during the summer.
Visits during the saffron flowering season on request, in October and November.

Informations complémentaires
Services :
Educational visitsCoach access
Équipements :
Parking nearby
Type de produit :
Plants and derivative productsSaffron

Prices not available.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Mise à jour le 05/03/2024 Par Office de Tourisme de la Châtaigneraie Cantalienne
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