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Mairie Saint-Martin-Valmeroux
OT Pays de Salers
Tourist routes

From the valleys to the mountains - 90km

Partage :

From the valleys to the mountains, discover the mountainous part of the Pays de Salers. A circuit that will take you from Sainte-Eulalie to Falgoux, passing, among others, by Fontanges, Salers and Le Vaulmier. 90kms circuit.

Here you can admire a charming Romanesque church.
• Take the road D37 going to Saint-Martin-Valmeroux.

You will discover a natural water spring in the direction of Nozières, an old market hall situated on the square, as well as a nice gothic church from the 15th century (porch, stalls, lectern, thorn shooter, sculptures).
Near the village, you can admire different panoramas of the valley (Rocher de la Vierge, la Croix Jalenques).
• Follow the D37 towards Salers, then the D537 in Salles towards Saint-Rémy.

The little church is worth a visit : a porch dating from the 12th century, the Christ in glory, murals.
• Come back to Salles and follow the direction Fontanges.

In this little village with a traditional architecture situated in a valley, you will be able to discover a monolithic chapel, a remarkable church of the 15th century as well as a pleasant esplanade on the banks of the Aspre River.
• Drive on the D135 in the direction of Saint-Chamant and then turn towards Puy Basset. You will arrive at the col Saint Georges from where you can admire the castle of Seilhol, the Cantal Mountains and the Black Woods (les Bois Noirs). Follow the D42 towards Le Fau.

Little village situated at the bottom of the mountains. You will discover the natural spring of la Bastide.
• Follow the D135 towards Fontanges, then the direction of Salers by the D35. Turn right towards Saint Paul de Salers.

You will discover a beautiful Virgin on a rock as well as a charming church (lectern from the 16th century, apse, pieta, polychrome pulpit from the 16th century). Carry on to the Puy Violent crossing Le Vielmur. Leave your car at the car park and walk to the top (45 min. round trip).
• Come back to the village and drive on the D37, until you arrive to the Col de Néronne (1241 m). Follow the D680 towards Salers. Between Néronne and Salers, visit the "Maison du Fromage, de la Vache et de la Gentiane Salers" (the Salers Cheese, Cow and Gentian Museum) - (page 14).

A medieval city classified among the Most Beautiful Villages in France, with an interesting history.
It is well worth doing a guided visit (page 8).
• Follow the D22, then the D229 in the direction of Saint-Bonnet-de-Salers.

Birthplace of the Salers bovine breed, visit the little dairy and other farms in the area producing Cantal or Salers cheeses (pages 35).
• Drive to Anglards on the road D22.

Admire the superb Romanesque church from the 11th century (portal, porch) and La Trémolière Castle (page 11).
• Go to Saint-Vincent-de-Salers via the roads D212 and then D12.

Discover this little village surrounded by basalt columns. Its typical, traditional architecture can be appreciated : a Romanesque church, a castle and a little bridge made of stone over the Mars River.
• Follow the D12 to Le Vaulmier. Between Saint-Vincent and Le Vaulmier, go to the hamlet of Outre. Park your car just after crossing the Mars River and follow a little path on your left leading to the Outre mill (15 minutes there and back).

• Follow the D12 to Le Falgoux, turn left on the D63 to the Col d’Aulac where you can enjoy the view down the valley. Go to the archeological site of Cotteughes and return back down the valley.

Situated at the bottom of the mountains, appreciate the cirque of Mars.
• Follow the D12, then the D680 to the Pas de Peyrols - (the highest road pass in Auvergne - 1558 m). Climb up the Puy Mary
(1787 m) to enjoy the view across the Cantal and Sancy mountains (a superb panoramic view and an orientation table can be found at the summit).
• Go back towards Salers on the D680. From the Col de Néronne (1241) you will discover the Maronne valley and the Puy Violent (1592 m). Carry on along the D680 to Salers.


Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 22/08/2020 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays de Salers
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