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Joël Damase

"Fraysse" site

Partage :

At 808m, it's the highest point in the commune of Lanobre. With its 360° view, it's a great place for stargazing. It overlooks the village that bears its name, 2 km to the east of the village.

From here, a circular panorama with an orientation table and picnic area opens out onto the Monts du Cantal and Monts du Sancy. In the hamlet, head towards Le Fraysse to the orientation table, or follow circuit 11: Le Pied du Fraysse. Free access all year round.
You're climbing a volcano! The Puy du Fraysse is one of Sumène Artense's volcanic relics.


Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 27/05/2024 Par Office de Tourisme de Sumène Artense
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