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Office de Tourisme
Office de Tourisme
Historic site and monument

Eglise et crypte de Saint Julien d'Ance

Partage :

This 16th century church towers above the village of Saint Julien d'Ance. Part of the facade, the door and the gargoyles with animals’ heads on the walls bear witness to its Romanesque heritage (1194).

The original church was rebuilt in Gothic style. It includes three naves with intersecting vaults and magnificent multi-coloured keystones.
If you go round the church, you will see a framework of sculpted stones around a door leading to the crypt (only three similar examples still exist in the Haute-Loire region).


Free access.

Mise à jour le 25/08/2022 Par Office de Tourisme de l'agglomération du Puy-en-Velay
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