Circuit 03 : Suc de Jorance
Pedestrian sports, Trail route

Circuit 03 : Suc de Jorance

Partage :

Sometimes under the open skies, sometimes in the shade of fir trees, little roads and footpaths lead towards vast panoramas in a region of volcanic peaks. In turn, the Yssingeaux region, Glavenas and its chapel, and the Emblavez basin appear on the horizon. The route goes through several different villages: Sardat, La Chomette, Villevieille and Lherm. A scree that can be difficult to cross and slippery in wet weather or in winter, leads up to a wooden cross at an altitude of 1150m on the north-eastern slope of the Jorance (an alternative route is also available). The goats path runs along the Via Ferrata, then later a fine calade leads to the ”Plateau of the Dance” at the summit of Mont Loségal.

Mise à jour le 22/07/2024 Par Office de Tourisme de l'agglomération du Puy-en-Velay
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