Guided tour of the castle, the oldest part of which is from the 13th century. The Max has the typical appearance of a 15th century building with its beautiful porch that was with drawbridge, moats, well as the exceptional frame.
Château des XIIIe et XVe siècles ouvert aux activités ludiques et culturelles, Escape-Game, chasse au trésor, visites, concerts, pièces de théâtres...
Une chambre d'hôte dans le cadre de l'Escapa culture.
Type de clientèle :
Walkers/hikersBikers welcomeGroupsHome school groupsWelcome for business/incentive groupsCycle 2: elementary SchoolCycle 4: middle SchoolHigh schoolHoliday Camps HomeChildren from 6 to 12 yearsYoung people from 13 to 17 years oldHigher EducationCycle 3: elementary school (CM1, CM2)Cycle 3: college (6th)
Services :
Pets welcomeRoom hireTourist information
Équipements :
Car park
Langues parlées :
Moyen de paiements : Bank/credit card, Check, Cash
Free to participate.
Periode d‘ouverture : Autumn, Summer, Spring
From 01/04 to 31/10/2024, daily.
Ça peut vous intéresser
Mise à jour le 22/12/2023
Par Office de tourisme Val de Sioule