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Historic site and monument

"Carreau" of the Combelle mine

Partage :

To the south of Le Puy-de-dôme, the Combelle mining site was equipped with the first metal headframe in the region, in operation in 1924 and 54 metres high. From there, coal was transported by donkeys to the Allier.

Embarked on fir trees at the ports of La Roche, Brassaget or Le Breuil and via the Briare canal, it was shipped to Paris. The Combelle well reached a depth of 700 metres, before being converted into an air shaft. The mine floor also houses the "hot room", including the "hanging room" that served as a cloakroom for miners.
3 km away, don't miss the Bayard mine tile in Brassac-les-Mines and the mine museum.

Informations complémentaires
Services :
Pets welcome
Équipements :
Car parkParking nearbyCoach parking

Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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