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Vintage Driving
Vintage Driving
Vintage Driving
Sporting activities

Adventure Training - Vintage Driving

Partage :

Live the adventure in our Land Rover DEFENDER and tackle steep inclines, declines and rock crawls as you discover the world-famous landscape of Cantal. Our trainings are dedicated to all and instructed by BPJEPS graduated instructors.

After an offroad driving course on our dedicated training field, you will go on discovery of Cantal on-board our DEFENDER.

Two days training (30 minutes briefing + 2h30 offroad driving course + 10h00 offroad tour) including:

- One DEFENDER rental
- Supervison by a BPJEPS graduated instructor
- Welcome breakfast (cofee, pastries…)
- Diner at the Cantal hut “Buron” (Truffade picnic, cold cuts, drinks, Cantal cheese and dessert…)

Minimum passenger age 9 years old.

Caution: Anticipate booking and additional charges for

Lunch (Around 18 € per person)
Bed & breakfast at the Cantal hut “Buron”.

Informations complémentaires
Type de clientèle :
For beginners / novice

Adult: from 290 €.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round, daily.

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Mise à jour le 03/01/2024 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays d'Aurillac
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