Sentier Salbrune
PIT Bellenaves
  • Animaux acceptés
Pedestrian sports, Course


Partage :

Educational trail

Free access. Located in the Colettes forest, the path of the little Salbrune is unique in the Allier. It was designed by the Community of Communes of Saint Pourçain, Sioule, Limagne in partnership with the National Forestry Board to enhance the local forest heritage. The trail includes a double discovery circuit. The walker is in direct contact with the forest environment and engages in an interactive and open investigation process.

Informations complémentaires
Type de clientèle :
ChildrenGroupsHome school groups
Services :
Pets welcome
Équipements :
Picnic areaCar park

Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 02/11/2023 Par Office de tourisme Val de Sioule
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