Cindy Michaud
MTB Domain / Bike Park

Foyer du Montoncel

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Located in the Montagne Bourbonnaise at an altitude of 960 m at the gateway to the Bois Noirs forest, the Foyer du Montoncel offers a wide range of activities.

Foyer du Montoncel
Description détaillée

In winter: 47 km of trails for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing (12 km) and tobogganing.
From the green (0.8 km), perfect for beginners, to the black (8.6 km) for the more experienced, the Foyer offers 6 marked, traced and groomed trails through undergrowth and clearings. There's also an 18 km Nordic itinerary on single-track for lovers of the alternative and the great outdoors. The same itinerary gives you access to Puy de Montoncel (1,287m) or Puy-Snidre (1,232m). A special area is reserved exclusively for toddlers, enabling them to take their first steps on skis under the watchful eye of adults.

In summer: discover the FFC mountain bike trails of the Bois Noirs massif, with 1,000 km of marked circuits, hiking, orienteering, archery (12 targets in the forest). Six-target blowpipe course for children aged 6 and over, nature climbing.

The Foyer du Montoncel also offers accommodation in its gîte d'étape (30 beds) and an equestrian relay.

Summer and winter equipment hire, supervision of sporting activities.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.


Moyen de paiements : Check, Cash

Informations complémentaires ski
  • Classification : MTB Domain / Bike Park
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Mise à jour le 22/04/2024 Par Vichy Destinations
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