Étang de Parlan
OT Châtaigneraie
Au départ de : Maurs

Bike touring route - At the gates of Quercy

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Bike touring route "At the gates of Quercy".

Étang de Parlan
Vallée de la Rance
Buste-reliquaire de Saint-Césaire
Description détaillée

Maurs lies at the south-western tip of Cantal. This medieval town invites you to admire its abbey church of Saint-Césaire and its reliquary bust. Admire the panoramic views of the Cantal mountains and the Lot valley. You can then discover the village of Parlan, with its granite houses and buildings. The Château des Bessonies and the Romanesque church at Cayrols will round off your discovery of the Cantal. On the way back through the Rance valley, you'll discover the Château d'Entraygues and the Notre-Dame-du-Pont chapel. A richly varied walk!

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
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    Mise à jour le 13/01/2024 Par Office de Tourisme de la Châtaigneraie Cantalienne
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