Forêts et châteaux en Sologne bourbonnaise
Au départ de : Neuilly-le-Réal

Woods and castles in the south part of the Sologne bourbonnaise area

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This loop leads you along the small roads of the Sologne bourbonnaise area to discover castles and typical houses in the middle of the woods.

Description détaillée

This 21,8km long loop is recommended for cycling enthusiasts and electric bike users.
Starting from Neuilly-le-Réal, take the small street that lead you to the forest ""Bois de Bord"". Cross it to join Bessay-sur-Allier. Drive along the roads of the Sologne bourbonnaise and along the ponds and pretty half-timbered houses. Ride by the beautiful castle ""Château de Chaugy"". Take a moment to admire this 17th century building. Its main edifice, its magnificent doorway and its dovecote in bricks and wood panels are remarkable examples of the architecture of the region. Then cross along the forest ""Bois de Goutte"" to Gouise. Enjoy an exceptional green setting by crossing several kilometers the majestic ""Bois de Gouise et bois de Feuillasse"" to reach the village of Neuilly-le-Réal. Take the time to contemplate the Henri IV house, very famous place in the village.

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
  • Passage(s) délicat(s) : Cette boucle emprunte des voies partagées par des véhicules motorisés.
    Mise à jour le 05/06/2024 Par Office du tourisme de Moulins & sa région
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