Vue sur Pierrefort
Bureau de Tourisme de Pierrefort
Au départ de : Pierrefort

Hike The Old Roman Road - Chabridet Wood

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This easy family hike on good paths passes in the Chabridet wood and offers beautiful view points. Gourdièges is an interesting little village with an old church dating partly from the 16th century (visit outside only).

Vue sur Pierrefort
Pierrefort - Place de la Fontaine
Vue sur le massif du Cantal et Gourdièges
Chemin de randonnée au Pré Clau
Chemin de randonnée vers le Bois de Chabridet
Vue sur le bois de Chabridet
Arboretum dans le Bois de Chabridet
Description détaillée

D - From the Tourist Office in Pierrefort, take the D990 until the ancien post office. Turn right in the direction of SAINT- GERVAIS.

1 - At the sports field leave the Roman way and take the parallel path at right towards “PRE-CLAU”.

2 - At the end of the path to the left follow right towards CHABRIDET woods.

3 - Hug the woods to the right until the Roman way

4 - Follow to the right in the direction of GOURDlEGES. Beautiful view to the Aubrac plateau.

5 - At the end of the path follow the road to the left.

6 -Before the sign GOURDIEGES take the road to the right. Go towards the old bread oven called “Four Banal” (note the original archway and lauze roof).

7 - Continue straight on until the church and observe the old comb bell tower, the stone cross and a "trifront" next the entrance. Keep left until the exit to the village.
View of the Plomb du Cantal and Puy de Rocher to the right.

8 - Take the path opposite until the D990.

9 - Follow the D990 to the left for 200m.

10 - Leave the road and take the way to the left. Re- enter the wood to the right until the Roman way then right and descend until Pierrefort.

Mountainbike: Easy level. Count 1 hour. Marked green signed = .

Informations complémentaires
  • Type : Boucle
  • Passage(s) délicat(s) : non
  • Nature du terrain : Ground, Not suitable for strollers
  • Environnement : In the country, Forest location, Mountain view, Panoramic view
  • Animaux acceptés : Chiens tenu en laisse autorisés
  • Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire, s'adresser au Bureau de Tourisme de Pierrefort, en face de l'église, point de départ de la randonnée.
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    Mise à jour le 14/09/2023 Par Office de Tourisme des Pays de Saint-Flour
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