Façade Grands thermes
Historic site and monument

Ancient baths Grands Thermes

Partage :

Remarquable pour son hall classé Monument Historique.

In the foothills of the volcanoes, not far from Clermont-Ferrand, Châtel-Guyon has a Belle Époque atmosphere with top-notch hotels. Indulge in a treatment at one of the spas, take a stroll through the park, then spend an evening at the casino. There's a full program of events in Châtel-Guyon with a jazz festival in the spring, summer concerts in the park and a variety of performances all year-round at the newly renovated theatre.


Free access.


Periode d‘ouverture : Autumn, Summer, Spring

From 25/03 to 28/10, every Sunday between 4 pm and 6 pm.

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Châtel-Guyon, visite de la ville - Parcours découverte patrimoine

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Office de Tourisme Terra Volcana, les Pays de Volvic
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