Eglise de Chaussenac
Mairie Chaussenac
Tourist routes

The dam of Enchanet - The gorges of the Maronne river - 60km

Partage :

From the Enchanet dam to the Maronne gorges, discover charming villages around Pleaux, its gorges and its cultural heritage.

This little town has maintained a traditional architecture allowing you to discover the 16th century turreted houses of the local nobility, a church with many treasures, crosses, fountains and museums (page 9).
• Drive on the D2 towards Laroquebrou. Turn left on the riverbank to discover the little chapel of Enchanet and the dam in the direction of Longayroux. A man-made beach will allow you to enjoy various water activities.
Double back and go to Saint-Christophe-les-Gorges.

Just east of the village, behind the church housing many beautiful statues, there are two beautiful crosses from the 13th century. Above the gorges of the Maronne River, from the little chapel of Notre Dame du Château (Our Lady of Castle) you will have a nice view down the valley (30 min round trip).
• Follow the D37 to Loupiac..

This little village offers you one of the most beautiful archeological remains of the area : the ruins of the Branzac castle. The little church with a Romanesque steeple and gilded wooden statues is also worth a visit. • Drive in the direction of Sainte-Eulalie then take the D337 on the left. Join the D680 via Feydevialle and Vialard.
• Go towards Ally. Follow the D380, turn right towards

This little village has a charming, little church and a cross from the 17th century, named the cross of Saint Babet.

You will admire its delightful 11th century church, previously the chapel of the castle, where you can visit the ramparts before arriving at the fountain and bread oven (open every August 15th).
• Go to Ally joining the D680..

Visit the La Vigne castle (page 10) and the church.
• Follow the road D137 towards Brageac..

Go to the Gorge of the Auze River and to the remains of the hermitage of St Till (45 mn round trip).
• Join Chaussenac on the road D37.

A charming and welcoming village. Its church is home of numerous listed objects and beautiful paintings (17th, 18th centuries). There are also various crosses from the 12th and 13th centuries (description of the towers on the village square).
• Follow the road D237 in the direction of Rilhac-Xaintrie and then the D27 in the direction of Chalvignac..

After visiting the church go to the cemetery to discover a 13th century basalt cross.
• Drive on the road D27 towards Pleaux and Barriac-les-Bosquets.

Turn on your right to Puy Bouval where you will discover a statue of Father Filliol and a panoramic orientation table of the Cantal Mountains. Come back and cross the D680 towards Barriac-les-Bosquets. Here you can discover old houses, some of them built during the Renaissance period, and a Romanesque church from the
12th century.


Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 02/06/2020 Par Office de Tourisme du Pays de Salers
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