Passionate fishing: the old mill
Fishing, Fishing site - 1st category

Passionate fishing: the old mill

Along the Couze Chambon, this sector flows largely under trees with many hiding places under the banks. All fishing methods are possible, fly fishing is easy but the "toc" is the best technique.

Partage :

From the fisherman's parking area, go down the river for 600 m by the trail to the flat of the Moulin de la Serre, then practice by going up for 1200 m to the outlet of the trail.
A sector that can have some nice surprises in store. The flows are mainly composed of aprons, currents and some flats.
The access to the river is easy, fishing is never dangerous, however bring thigh boots or fishing pants because it is necessary to cross the river to reach all the shots.
Allow 2 hours to reach the car park, plus 1 hour for the entire route of about 1000 m. Course for experienced fishermen in the downstream part with an approach by the river where the rapids make fishing very technical.
Fish: fario trout, dowel, minnow, sculpin, loach.

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Informations complémentaires
Équipements :
Parking nearby

Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 27/01/2022 Par Auvergne Pays d'Issoire
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