Site Of Paragliding Of The Rochecourbiere
Air sports, Take-off and landing site

Site Of Paragliding Of The Rochecourbiere

Partage :

Grassy take-off really easy. Be careful: with strong wind from the South, risk of turbulences. Ideal conditions: wind from the south or no wind at all, site favourable since the morning. Long landing along the Couze Pavin. Access : in the village of Saurier, take the D28 for 4 km, and then a path at the right to the foot of the chapel. You need to park on the parking and to go up by the path. The walk from the parking to the technical zone takes 5 minutes.

Favorable(s) : SE;S
Défavorable(s) : N;NE;E;SO;O;NO
Conditions idéales : Vent météo de sud ou pas de vent, site favorable dés le matin.
Site Fédération Française de Vol libre.


Free of charge.


Periode d‘ouverture : Ouvert toute l‘année

All year round.

Mise à jour le 21/06/2022 Par Office de Tourisme du Massif du Sancy
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